Monday, February 22, 2010

Valentines Day and almost Cali trips

We started the day off at Kangaroo Zoo. This is a Gray family tradition, one that the boys love. We got there about 10:30 and they played until 12. The boys had so much fun running around and going down the slides with their cousins. Keira just sat on my lap happy and content. Travis is the Men's Stake Athletic director and had games all morning so he didn't get to come with us this year. After all the bouncing at Kangaroo Zoo we headed home. We grabbed some lunch and I started getting ready for my date with Travis. We got my cousing Lexi to watch the kids for us while we went to dinner and a movie. When Travis got home from picking up Lex he had a HUGE bouquet of flowers for me. They are beautiful!!!! I found out later that my mom put the bouquet together. She does an awesome job! So we left the kids and went to dinner at Spaghetti Mama's. It's one of our favorite places to eat. Breadsticks, salad, pasta, and ice cream. We don't go there very often but when we do holy cow can we say CARBS! I made an early reservation so it was nice to sit and enjoy dinner and not have to worry about rushing through to get to the movie on time. We went and saw Valentines Day :D. I picked the movie, this is not something Travis would pick . . . ever. He said he liked it though. It was a cute movie. While we were at dinner Travis mentioned he might have to go to California early the next week and I said it was too bad he couldn't leave Sunday night because Austin didn't have school Monday and we might be able to work out me going too. That's all that was said pretty much until Travis called me Monday mid morning and asked how fast I could get packed and find someone to take the kids. I was to his mom's house by 2 (I was pretty impressed with myself). We didn't leave until almost 4 though. We just went to St. George that night and then we were waiting for Trav's brother Tuesday. While we were waiting I convinced Travis that we should look around the outlets. I have to say, he did pretty well. We waited until about 3 again and then decided to get back on the road. We made it to primm when our trip came to a halt. Trav's trailer was too long and he couldn't get the permits he needed to go into Cali. So he talked with some people and then dropped the equipment in Primm and we headed back. We made it to Cedar City before we pulled over and then came the rest of the way home Wednesday. It was a long trip but it was fun to spend time together. I'm glad we have such a great family that helps us out short notice like that.

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