Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our spring break staycation

This year for spring break Travis took some time off and we played around here. We went and saw how to train your dragon with Aprille, Joe, and Marcus. The boys had so much fun and they all looked so cute sitting together with their 3-D glasses on. I guess I didn't get that pic because I couldn't find it on my camera. We took the kids swimming at the legacy center. Austin and Alex love swimming there. They have a playground right in the middle of the pool and every few minutes a huge bucket above the playground falls over and dumps water on everyone. This was Keira's first time swimming in a pool and she had a blast. She loves bath times so we weren't too worried. We took her to the baby pool and she sat and splashed forever. We even let her go down the slide a few times. We had a BBQ and grandma and grandpa Gray's in their firepit. The boys got to roast marshmallows and hotdogs. The boys were really looking forward to going to the zoo. I was just glad it wasn't freezing. You never know what kind of weather you're going to get in Utah in April ( or May for that matter). Alex loved the elephants, Austin loved the penguins and the reptile house. He actually took the picture in the reptile house while I waited outside. I wasn't squeamish or anything, Keira had fallen asleep in the stroller and there were no strollers allowed in the reptile house. Oh well, I'll have to catch that one next time. Keira loved watching the monkeys. Oh, and I can't forget the train ride. We waited for like 40 min. just to ride the dang thing. Keira missed out again because she was sleeping but the boys had lots of fun. Austin thought he was so cool sitting at the very front all by himself. After the train ride we took the kids to the playground there at the zoo and let them run around. It was a fun day and they all fell asleep on the way home. Mission accomplished! Well, that in a nutshell was our spring break adventures.

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