Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Austin's all grown up

Today is the fourth day of school and I finally let Austin walk without me. He walks with three other boys in our ward. The oldest is in sixth grade and the other two are in first with him. He has wanted to walk by himself since the first day, today I finally gave in. He is so independent now! He wants to do everything on his own. School starts in three minutes and I just keep thinking I hope he's there. He had to give me a hug and kiss before I let him leave and he told me I could meet him at the cross-walk after school today if I wanted to. Tomorrow though, he wants to walk to and from school with just his friends. I know, that with him walking, it will make things easier for me. But I am a mom, and it's hard to let go. Alex starts school on Thursday. He is so excited for preschool. I really think he's just excited to finally be able to go downstairs at Krissi's. It's so fun to watch them learn new things but at the same time, I just want them to stay little.


  1. I honestly can't believe Austin is that old! So sad how fast they grow up!

  2. It's weird letting them go and do things alone like that. Lincoln just started preschool yesterday and it's not quite as big of a deal but still you feel like "man where's the time going!"

    Oh and BTW Keira is so dang cute! Good job, I know it wasn't Travis' doings! :P
